Overcoming challenges together

Together, we scale the peaks of
ESG reporting!

ESG reporting is essential for companies today and is driven by regulatory requirements and reporting standards. These frameworks force companies to be transparent about their environmental, social and governance concerns.
With our support, you can comply with the regulations confidently and seamlessly.

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What is ESG?

The abbreviation stands for ‘Environmental, Social, Governance’ and describes a way of doing business that, in addition to focussing on economic success, particularly strives for improvements in the areas of environmental, social and management issues.
By taking ESG principles into account, industrial and financial products are created on the market that are focused on sustainability. Many regulations and instruments have been published in recent months and years that contain specific criteria and indicators for measuring and comparing developments in the areas of E, S and G. The aim is to utilise these as an opportunity to improve sustainability. The aim is to recognise this as an opportunity for a sustainable future and to align our business activities accordingly.

Find out more about the ESG Trends 2024

Why is sustainability reporting
also relevant for your company?
ESG is not just a reporting obligation – especially for SMEs!

  • Current and potential employees increasingly expect companies to view ESG criteria as an obligation and not just an option.
  • Banks, investors and stakeholders are increasingly evaluating their investments according to ESG criteria, which offers opportunities if these are met, but represents a financial risk in the future if this is not the case.
  • Customers and business partners are demanding transparency and disclosure (‘Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)’ and ‘Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)’) – the awarding of contracts is dependent on ESG requirements and the demand for environmentally and socially responsible products is rising continuously.
  • Sustainable business models will dominate the market in the medium to long term; a sustainability strategy with clear objectives will therefore bring decisive competitive advantages!

Let’s find out together what potential ESG holds for your company:

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Do you want to realize added value through ESG? Then let’s define a goal together in a free initial consultation!

We understand your difficulties! Current challenges in the ESG reporting obligation!

Navigate through the regulatory complexity

ESG reporting is essential for companies today and is driven by regulatory requirements such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the EU Taxonomy Regulation and supply chain laws such as the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

These frameworks force companies to make their environmental, social and governance concerns transparent. At DDP Consulting, we guide you through the complex regulatory landscape and define suitable activities and measures for your holistic ESG reporting.

Building a long-term ESG strategy

How do you manage to apply the regulatory ESG reporting obligation and realise potential for your company at the same time? A sustainable and long-term ESG strategy is necessary to organise the regulatory framework and recognise potential for improvement, risks and opportunities as early as possible. To create additional competitive advantages and added value in your company, an effective organisational structure is also necessary.

Our solutions are designed to master these and many other challenges of ESG reporting obligations. We support the process with specially developed practical tools and expertise to optimise your ESG reporting and achieve your sustainability goals.

CSRD- & ESRS reporting obligation

The ESG reporting obligation under CSRD and ESRS presents companies with major challenges. They have to deal with a large number of regulations and standards in order to fulfil the requirements of CSRD reporting.

The complexity of the 12 ESRS standards should be emphasised Stakeholder analysis, dual materiality and the selection of material data points are essential components of the ESRS methodology and at the same time represent some of the biggest hurdles. It is about understanding and implementing the requirements of the ESRS standards and preparing as well as possible for the upcoming and long-term reporting.

Our methodology and the CSRDAssist tool developed specifically for CSRD will help you navigate through the extensive steps of ESRS reporting and steer you through this complex dynamic.

Learn more about CSRD & ESRS

Application of the EU taxonomy

An important aspect of ESG reporting is the application of the EU taxonomy. It is important to clarify which economic activities (measured by CapEx, OpEx and turnover) are considered ‘green’ and ‘environmentally sustainable’ in the sense of the EU taxonomy and contribute to the achievement of climate targets. Companies must therefore ensure that their business activities fulfil the criteria of the EU taxonomy in order to be classified as sustainable. This requires a detailed analysis and assessment of business processes and activities.

Learn more about the EU Taxonomy

Requirements for the supply chain

The current ESG reporting obligation requires companies to ensure compliance with corporate due diligence obligations in their supply chains. This means that you must ensure that the applicable laws and requirements relating to supply chain due diligence are met and that the necessary information is provided to fulfil the requirements of ESG reporting (LkSG & CSDDD). This includes the monitoring of suppliers and subcontractors, to ensure that they comply with the required standards, as well as disclosing information about the supply chain and the measures the company is taking to minimise risks.

Companies must therefore demonstrate that they have appropriate systems and processes in place to monitor and document compliance with due diligence obligations in their supply chains. Of course, we can also support you with this.

Learn more about LkSG / CSDDD

We are DDP Consulting Sustainable, comprehensive
Consulting from Koblenz

DDP Consulting is a specialized consulting firm that is part of the DDP GROUP and is headquartered in Koblenz. Our focus is on providing holistic and comprehensive solutions for business clients. Our range of services is diverse and includes ESG consulting, CFO consulting, and IT consulting, complemented by an extensive network of cooperation partners.

Our mission is to support you in achieving your goals and creating added value together.

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In the free initial consultation, we discuss your challenges and propose suitable solutions.
You decide whether you want to work with us, and together we plan the first steps.